Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bukit Tabur East : Entrance

There are lots of information on Bukit Tabur West on the internet, but i notice not much on Bukit Tabur East, ( Crystal Hill East Side) climbing Tabur East is equally if not more challenging than Bukit Tabur West.

I would like to contribute some information on how to get to the Bukit Tabur East, some features on the terrains, and what to look out when you venture into this part of the Crystal Hill.

There are two most distinct ways to get to Bukit Tabur East.

On the right of this Klang Gate Dam ( Empangan Klang Gate), there is a flight of stairs that go towards the river, you will need to walk down the stairs towards the river.

, crossing the river to get to the other side to get to the foothill.

During rainy season, it is not advisable to go by this way as large volume of water can swell up within very short time.

The pebbles/stones at the river bed can be very slippery too.

Best way to get to the foothill is via the big water pipe near the hill which has some government quarters or perhaps the district engineer's housing.

Park your cars by the side and walk alongside the big waterpipes.

Whether crossing the river or walk alongside the big waterpipe, trekkers will end up at the foothill of Tabur East.

Notice the arrow that shows start here, I was a few steps up from the entrance of the trail.

1 comment:

J said...

Nice blog. Currently studying in Tasmania where bushwalking is an essential part of life. Recently got re-introduced to wonders of outdoors. Did walks all over Tassie. Coming home soon end of this year. It's time to explore my home more before going any further. Bukit Tabur looks beautiful and tempting. Thanks for the info on trails!
